Lamp Light

Lamp & Light


“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
Your word is a
unto my path

Through Lamp & Light, we;

Spread God’s Light
Help us shine God’s light and wisdom by providing Bibles to those without access, igniting a thirst for truth and understanding.
Empower Hearts
Join hands with us to empower hearts with the message of love, compassion, and salvation found within the pages of Scripture.
Transform Communities
Together, let’s make a tangible difference in communities worldwide, breaking the chains of spiritual poverty to those in need.

Lamp and Light

The Sapphire Project delivers Bibles to the poor and underprivileged people of our world to end Bible poverty. In developing countries, many Christians are struggling with their faith in Christ. They are persecuted and condemned for following Jesus. In some nations, it is challenging to access Bibles, and there are many restrictions.

While God’s people remain committed, they are significantly under-resourced. There are shortages of Bibles in various translations, and many Christian families own just one Bible. This limits people’s time in the Word and deters their growth in Christ.

 As a response, the Sapphire Project desires that each person has a personal copy of the Bible in their native language. Our goal is to deliver 10 000 Bibles per year to developing nations around the world. With this initiative, we are making the Bible famous, presenting it as a solution to the world’s problems. 

Shine a Light: Support Our Ongoing Efforts

Help us share the message of hope and faith by donating to our Lamp and Light initiative. Your contribution will provide Bibles to those who seek them, fostering spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The Word Spreads: Bibles Reaching Those in Need

Since its inception, the Lamp and Light initiative has successfully distributed over 50,000 Bibles to communities around the world. Your support helps us share the message of hope and faith, one Bible at a time.



Bibles distributed to
0 +

Our Impact in Pictures

Meet the faces behind the change. Witness the stories of resilience, hope, and triumph of those touched by The Sapphire Project’s initiatives, as we strive to uplift lives and build a brighter future for all.
Federally Registered not-for-profit corporation in Canada
BN 725351738RC0001
©2023 by The Sapphire Project

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