Discovering Equality in an Inequitable World

Introduction Equality appears to be the dream of contemporary society. When we scan our surroundings, one thing common to every race, creed, nationality, and class, is their struggle…

Written by

Dr Dana-Marie Ramjit

Published on

4 February 2021


Equality appears to be the dream of contemporary society. When we scan our surroundings, one thing common to every race, creed, nationality, and class, is their struggle to be seen, heard, respected, and certified. What are the chances of equality in a polarized world? A reasonable guess would be none. Yet, there’s hope for humanity when all world systems fail, and that is, the ideal of fairness presented in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The standard for equality

The Bible is not silent on the topic of equality. A core element of the Gospel is solidarity under the cross. God’s goal of impartiality was outlined from the onset, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). It’s interesting to note that God created man last, after all other creatures, to reflect his honor and favor. God created man in His image to conform to His power and Will and reveal His vision of morality and uniformity. God designed human knowledge, choice, affections, appetites, body, mind, soul, and spirit to be subservient to Him. Man’s only Master was God, not other men. Christ set the standard of equality for humanity.

Sons of God

To further clarify God’s perspective of parity, Galatians 3:26-29 hands us a souvenir, “For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith…There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.”

What an authoritative and influential stance on one of the most sought-after objectives of modern society; freedom to be! The scripture depicts humanity’s genuine relationship with God as “sons,” a relationship that depends solely on belief in Jesus Christ. The disparities of life that isolate us, such as our power, sex, color, and race, disappear with Christ. We achieve unity with our faith in God. This philosophy presents an excellent solution to the spectacle of inequality. To be called a child of God means to be emancipated from imbalances that stifle humanity’s development and progression. When the law and society fence us off, box us in, and tie us down, faith qualifies and liberates us.

The pragmatism of the Biblical principle of “adoption as sons” is as relevant and exciting as it is beautiful. This idea recognizes that man cannot be sons of God by nature since Christ is the only begotten Son of God. By creation, man cannot be sons of God like Adam, and the angels formed overtly by God’s hand. However, according to God’s sovereignty, all people receive an opportunity to become sons of God by Divine adoption.

Equality was an immediate act of God, based on His free, rich grace and goodness. Christ paved the way forward to achieve fairness and balance; He died on the cross for all to have mercy, deliverance, and freedom. People no longer need to be bound by insufficient laws that are biased, immoral, inhibiting, and enslaving. If only they believe in Christ, they will measure up to His standard and realize their fullest potential in Him.

God shows no favoritism

The display of “favoritism” is widespread today. We experience prejudice at schools, workplaces, social gatherings, and, unfortunately, at religious institutions. Contrastingly, the Bible tells us in Romans 2:11 that “God does not show favoritism.” This truth accentuates God’s fair, just and dependable character. With God, appearances, distinctions, and faces do not matter. Instead, holiness remains the standard for equal recognition.

How do we assess each other? Christianity teaches love for our enemies and neighbors. We must esteem all persons, regardless of race and privilege. Despite this, some people in society regard themselves as virtuous and entitled, so they become ungrateful, immoral, and defiant. God is not concerned with trophies; He is interested in temperament. Irrespective of nation, era, or narrative, Christianity reminds humankind that God’s judgment awaits those who fall short of His requirement of equal opportunity.

At the time of God’s judgment, no person will be favored over another on account of wealth, rank, function, influence, or connections. God looks at only two groups of people: sinners and saints; He will reward good but punish evil. This is the great comfort of humanity; Christ is the Ultimate Judge of this world Who establishes His mark of equality by repaying everyone for what they have done. God is a Righteous Judge Who judges character, not color.

This does not mean that differences ought to be eschewed or forgotten. Instead, God chooses to make people different in skills, wealth, health, and opportunity for His purpose. His Providence and Divine Will empowers Him to endow people with unique graces, some deserving and undeserving. Humanity must appreciate that He is God, and He can impart His favor as He pleases.

To deny that God has a right to do what He wants and advance that fairness obligates God to make all people equal in ability, wealth, and power is to reject God’s plan for the world. By this argument, sinners would receive favor and God’s Will for His creation, thwarted.

This is an unrealistic perspective that can be quite destructive. God elevates His presentation of equality by emphasizing His position as Judge of this world. Regardless of His decisions and decrees, He remains uninfluenced by the differences that muddle our society and render us worthless.

When a judge is before the court, he does not address the person before him, only the matter at hand according to the rules of law and justice. To do otherwise would make him guilty of inequity. On the other hand, when it pertains to personal matters outside of the law, that judge can grant favor and forgive as he pleases, without penalty. Likewise, God distinguishes one from the other according to His law of righteousness, and He extends His courtesies according to His purpose.

The value of differences

One of the most effective ways to address inequalities is not to eliminate them but recognize Who has assigned them and understand the duties of mutual respect which they involve. This claim finds support in Proverbs 22:2, “The rich and the poor meet together; the LORD is the Maker of them all.” God has appointed the encounters of different people during this journey of life. Social inequalities are predestined for a purpose; each one uplifts the other.

Regrettably, we only find society’s hostility: the rich oppressing the poor, and the poor envious of the rich. We can agree that equality is unattainable if humanity persists down this treacherous path. Still, there is hope presented in the view that the work of the poor confirms the wealth of the rich, while the abundance of the rich brings aid to the poor. What a fascinating concept!

The collective humanity of both rich and poor and their relationship to God enable them to regard each other without class or status. Ideally, the rich should not despise the poor, and the poor should not envy the rich, but both groups must live in harmony as members of God’s family (Proverbs 14:31; 17:5; 3:31; Job 31:15). When individuals are conscious of their role and contribution, there is a mingling of differences that complement and bring stability to society.

Traverse the globe, and in every corner, you will find rich, inferior, young, old, wise, foolish, and varied races. They always meet. Though their portion prevents them from enjoying the same privileges, and various beliefs shape their lives, one sure thing is they will continuously meet. All people will meet at the judgment seat of Christ; in heaven to be with each other forever; they will meet at the grave and in hell. In the moments of life that truly matter, distinctions will cease, and morality will prevail. Almighty God has the power to alter rank and reputation instantly. People should live their lives dependent on Him, content with their state, and respectful of all.

If you’re waiting for this world to treat you fairly, you are hoping in vain. Fight for important causes, but never lose sight of the most crucial cause, faith, and righteousness. Equality begins with you – you be equal, be fair, be honest, be just, and leave the rest to God. Being equal in His eyes is far more precious than empty pleasure from human recognition.


The world is transforming as groups in society pursue legitimacy, relevance, and promotion. Leaders are responding with efforts at inclusion and diversity across sectors. While policy goals to achieve equality are laudable, they are unfeasible unless people realize that God enacts equality and inequality. By themselves, people are incapable of meeting the criteria for an equal society. Humanity can only find harmony in the Creator, Maker of them all.

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