Christmas: good news of great joy for all people

The world celebrates Christmas regardless of cultural background, religion, moral perceptions, and beliefs. Christianity is the only pious ideology that unites people despite differences. We hear of the…

Written by

Dr Dana-Marie Ramjit

Published on

18 November 2020

The world celebrates Christmas regardless of cultural background, religion, moral perceptions, and beliefs. Christianity is the only pious ideology that unites people despite differences. We hear of the Christmas spirit, joy, peace, and love, sentiments that people look forward to for an entire year and will agree, there’s always something extra about Christmas. What is it? It is Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Jesus is the only religious leader that was born to die for the people He loved. His birth was a glorious occasion because He signified hope in a dying world. Saint Luke calls the birth of Jesus, “the good news of great joy that will be for all people” (Luke 2:10).

Good News

Christmas is a celebration of consolation. Although we live in an appalling world where evil lurks, God did not leave us alone. He expressed His wondrous love by sending His Son, Jesus, to heal humanity. Jesus is not just good, but fantastic news! A Saviour was born of a virgin ordained by God to give people salvation, forgiveness, and peace – things all people want regardless of who they are. The goal was to make persons righteous and accomplished to the point where they can experience complete joy. In all its gorgeousness and extravagance, the world cannot offer this joy; it is divine, spiritual, real, permanent, and unspeakable.

Why did we need it?

For centuries, this world has failed its residents. We have declined to achieve the greatness that God intended for us. Adam was given the Garden of Eden as his possession, but he lost it because of vanity. The Bible tells us we have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). Look at the appalling condition of this world. Have you ever seen such confusion, quarrels, tension, and discord? Where is the joy, love, friendship, unity, and how did we get here? Disobedience to God’s Word and the infiltration of sensuous desires became a priority for man. Like Adam, we became greedy, always craving more, and never contended. This is how wars begin: when men’s selfish ambitions are unchecked. We replaced love with passion, humility with arrogance, and God with phony dogmas. Going fast nowhere, what outcome did we expect?

We looked in all the wrong places for answers. Throughout our history, different philosophical approaches were launched but plunged, and this continues. The sum of society is this, “always learning but never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). We have rejected God and resigned to believe that He does not exist or does not care. We are digging our own graves!

The history of man’s struggle is a march for freedom, but no man is free if he is ruled by his passions. The good news is, he was released from this prison when Jesus was born. His ashes turned to beauty, weeping to rejoicing, and despair to hope. Man exchanged his death for life, and now he has the freedom to live and the joy of living. Jesus is good news for the world.

Great Joy

When Christ was born, the angel regarded it as “great” joy: lasting, pure, and holy. Why? Because this Saviour, baby Jesus, was the Anointed Son of God. To be “anointed” means to be ordained or authorized for a special mission. A broken man who wails with sorrow would now be comforted by an Incarnate God who restores, redeems, and reunites. Christianity is the only perspective that promises and delivers joy to humanity. Where does this power to produce joy come from?

Jesus’ teachings influenced the world. It is the Word of God, not man, designed to lead people to lives of perfection for entry into heaven. It’s not that following Christ gives sudden joy, but that the effect of Christ is a life of joy. We will suffer in this world; Jesus tells us, “take up your cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). The cross was an instrument of Christ’s death, yet He carried it in exhaustion and anguish to accomplish His mission. Christians bear trials and suffering under the name of this cross, knowing that His Divine Providence will empower them to live with purpose.

When you look at the lives of the disciples of Jesus, you will find they had none of the comforts we enjoy today – what we consider happiness. Yet, they had joy. Jesus sent seventy-two disciples to preach His message. Like lambs amid wolves, they were sent with no provisions and told to eat what was laid before them (Luke 10: 3-8). The Bible tells us they returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons subject to us in your name!” (Luke 10:17). This power to overcome Satan was their source of joy that expands into eternal joy in heaven (Luke 10:20).

When Christ was born, joy was elevated. Upon hearing the news of baby Jesus, Mary exclaimed, “my soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46). When the wisemen saw the star, “they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” (Matthew 2:10). The prophet Zechariah foretold the coming of the Messiah and urged Israel to “rejoice greatly” (Zechariah 9:9). The fount of their joy was the Messiah’s righteousness, salvation, humility, rulership, and freedom (Zechariah 9:9-12).

Rendering this hope, the prophet Isaiah said, “there will be no gloom for her who was in anguish” because a son is given (Isaiah 9:13). This child is called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and with justice and righteousness, He will rule forever (Isaiah 9:6-7). Are you still unmoved by the birth of this child?

All people

Jesus was born first, for the salvation of the Jews. God chose Israel and the Jewish people as the apple of His eye, honorable among all nations, “like jewels of a crown, they shall shine on his land” (Zechariah 2:8; 9:16). God intended that through Israel, the world will be blessed, “all nations shall come to your light” (Genesis 22:18; Isaiah 60:3). The joy of Israel has become the joy of the world. The Messiah came to all those who are searching for deliverance.

The life Jesus offers is not restricted to age, race, reputation, or culture, it is for all people. Daniel says, “all peoples, nations, and languages shall serve Him” (Daniel 7:14). Here’s the beautiful thing, in a world where differences are ostensible and spiraling, we can find coherence in following Jesus Christ. The end of life for a Christian is one heaven for all. In heaven, differences will not separate us but unite us. What other belief system teaches oneness under its Maker? We will one day behold Him in our many shades.


The birth of Jesus Christ was good, and it was news because it presented God to the world, offered a solution to the world’s problems, and discovered God in man. The doctrines of this world can only make people joyful in a moment, but for Christians, “everlasting joy will crown their heads” (Isaiah 51:11). We are not detached from our Maker, we can approach Him anytime, anyplace; what magnificent news! He came to save and restore, celebrate, and be extraordinarily glad, your King has arrived!

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